Sunday 25 July 2010


Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths.
Joseph Campbell

Little tiny you should rest assured that you irrelevant crap, means nothing when looking at the bigger picture. So push it aside, and get stoked!

On Friday i was down South bank and came across their most recent installation. It is an amazing replica of the city built of small bricks. It really gave me a refreshed bit of perspective. We spend so much time contemplating trivial issues. If we put half as much energy into taking everything life throws as us through positive eyes, we would achieve so many incredible things.

I started saying yes to everything about 2 months ago, and despite the fact this is going to make me sound like a massive hippy, the idea that somehow the good energy thats been going out, its flying back at me, feels pretty awesome. Iv not felt this awesome in years. Sadly i could not find a good video for this band. But here is possibly the most posi song you can ever find buy HC band Good Clean Fun. I used to love this band as a nipper.

sing along folks:

"I know how I want to live: Positive! (x4)
Positively Positive
Don't know what I want
But I know I want to give
I know how I want to live
Positively Positive
I'm going to find a way
I'm going to start today"

Positively Postive

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